The Guide to Writing Music for the Atari 2600 on the Macintosh
This guide is for Macintosh-based musicians and game developers looking to create music and sounds for the Atari 2600 or 2600 emulator. The document explains how to gather all software and documents necessary to get started. |
2-note polyphony |
There are legal notices attached to all of this stuff; all should be free to download, but use accordingly. |
Music Kit 2.0 download size: 56KB |
The kit contains some tools you will need to use with the MPW program below. Some of the files us Macintosh users won't use at all. |
Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) download size: 23.9MB |
This is the big program you will be using to turn your song files into Atari 2600 files. It's a hefty download, about 1 hour 15 minutes over a regular 56k modem. Download the file |
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